Coach House Regeneration Limited was set up by Crossfire Trust and is a community led business initiative. In 2005 plans were put in place to develop the existing Coach House into a new state of the art building, which would house a number of commercial units. These units, managed by a board of Directors, were intended to attract 35 jobs including professional people who are looking for the ‘out of town’ office which provides parking and privacy. The new build design fits comfortably into the mill image of the village and enhances Darkley House – the base of Crossfire Trust who will rent the site to Coach House Regeneration Ltd, the company set up to manage the building. Any finance generated would enable the continued sustainability of Crossfire Trust. The business enterprise will turn the life of the village around and put Darkley on the map for having a centre worth travelling to as it caters for the wounds of yesterday’s isolation and needs of today for business provision.
Funding came from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Industry (DETI) and the International Fund for Ireland (IFI).
Coach House Regeneration Ltd will provide stimulating space for the social economy and incubation of small local businesses. A number of the existing community enterprises in the original Coach House were rehoused in the new building and blossomed further in a business environment. Many new projects and services now thrive in the new building.
Click here for some more information about the history of the building.