I'm sorry

I listened intently to William Crawley’s interview on Radio Ulster about politicians saying ’sorry’. It triggered off past experiences when in Crossfire Trust, as part of our community development, we expressed the word ‘sorry’. The first time was on 15 August 1998 we had gathered at Darkley House for ‘I’m sorry’ weekend. We made a banner on the Friday night and wondered where we would take it and our greeting cards which were also called ‘I’m sorry’ with a blank page for personal message. The bomb exploded in Omagh and the cross community border group travelled to the town with our banner which also went to Crossmaglen market the following Friday. I also went personally and sat on the steps of Stormont for three hours with the word ‘sorry’. All three places had different responses. It’s what's missing. We blame England or the government or ‘them’. It’s always someone else – never me and you. The reality is we all have a part to play in healing and hoping for better days. Keep your challenging edge!